Custom Media Cabinetry
Custom Home Offices
Mudrooms and Organization
Kitchen Cabinets and Drawers
Best of Houzz 2014 Award
A Cut Above, Inc. of Jessup, MD has been awarded “Best Of Houzz” by Houzz, the leading platform for home remodeling and design. The 9 year old custom cabinetry and design firm was chosen by the more than 16 million monthly users that comprise the Houzz community. The Best Of Houzz award is given in […]
Solid Wood vs. Sheet Goods for Cabinet Tops
When installing new cabinet tops, there is always the question: should you use solid wood or sheet wood? Solid wood and sheet wood products have significantly different qualities, suiting them to different jobs in the workshop. A Cut Above can help guide you through the pros and cons of these two materials. Characteristics of Solid […]
Choosing the Right Wood and Finish for Your Kitchen Cabinets
When it comes to deciding on kitchen cabinets, the amount of options for different types of wood and finishes may seem overwhelming. But choosing the right wood for your kitchen cabinetry isn’t the only thing to consider. Before you can begin to make your selection of wood, color, or finish, you should have a good […]
DIY Natural Household Cleaners
At A Cut Above, Inc. we use a wide variety of finishing top coats on our products. The advice we provide to our clients as to how to maintain the finish is simple – never use a commercial furniture polish or any other commercially available solvents. Our products are “furniture grade” and you can damage […]
Having it EXACTLY the way you want it
This is an example of what “Exactly the Way You Want It” means to A Cut Above. You may not be a fan of the contemporary style of this kitchen. But look past the style and check out the lines, the fit and finish, the precision trim work, the storage, and overall quality. That’s what […]
Fantastic home office
This is one of the finest home offices we’ve done. The cabinetry is built of hard maple and finished with a medium tone dye stain. We worked at length with the client to perfect a design that included all the features they wanted. The design of the corner cabinetry was important and we settled on […]